Muir Models Sandhouse

The box.
The contents.
The instruction and measurement sheats.
The bracing is placed.
First wash of brown ink and alchohol.
Pollyscale Grimy Black and Dirt added and then grey weathering powder to simulate sand and dirt on and inbetween the boards at the bottom.
Painted the windows and doors boxcar red, and added glazing using Micro Klear, laying a film over the frames of the windows.
Joined the walls and placed beams for the roof.
Corrugated roof in place , awaiting weathering.
Weathered the coorugated roof and fixed the spouts.
The threads are the closest I can get to chain in N-scale.
The roof has been weathered with 2 coats of rustall , then grimy black , the Pollyscale Rust , and then a dry brushing with Pollyscale mud.
Painted the spouts with Grimy Black