Kits from RSLaser
Several RSLaserkitsSilvercliff Firehouse and Town Hall
Walls , doors and windows in place.
Painted the shingles for the first time while still on sheet. Then placed them using transfer tape.
Nice little kit , easy build, except maybe the doors.
Silvercliff Firehouse and Town Hall
Plantation Store
Braced then painted Tamiya Sky Blue
Placed doors and windows then put the walls together.
I like the addition .
Plantation Store front
Plantation Store side , you can see I use plenty of bracing.
Plantation Store, added rafters.
One side of the building has a new roof, it's made with the authentic shingles of long ago, the other side still has temperary corrugated steel while they are making more authentic shingles.
Some pics of the weathered roof, the porchbeams still needs some paint