Republic Locomotive Works 112 2nd Street
After the Auction House I needed a short easy build , this is it 112 2nd Street from Republic Locomotive Works. I'm also doing this one now because I want to know if the quality is better then RLW's Babes Diner which I didn't like that much.
We're off to a good start , the instructions look so much better.
The contents, crisp laser cuts and the smallest mullions I've ever seen and yet strong enough, looks good.
The windows consist of 4 pieces.
I prepainted the walls and windows and doors , I also sprayed the backsides of the walls to prevent warping. The windows are pressed into the back , this is easy , doesn't need much pressure yet the window would hold even without glue.
Cut the styrene glass a bit to large you can use the overhang to glue the windows.
Different steps in placing windows , window sills and such.
Walls ready to be glued together.
There's even a rocking chair in the kit, wonder if my hands can put that together.
Okay let's put the rocking chair together first, I'm glad I have a few fine tweezers, you can see this would be impossible with my fingers.
First the back of the seat.
And then somehow I managed to get the sides on too, don't laugh the chair took me more then 15 minutes. You think you have it and there it goes again folding or letting loose, but in the end I do have a sweet rocking chair for on the porch.
On with the house , put the sides together.
The instructions don't tell you to glue the little corner bracings a fraction higher so the floor fits into the building, so I cut out little corners off the floor piece, because the bracings were already glued tight.
Although you can't see it from the outside I put in all the interior floors and walls too.
Porch , trimmings all in place , quite a nice little house.
The instructions say there is a decal for the house number, couldn't find it , but no problem, I cut off a tiny piece of the sheets that have the parts numbers lasered on them, 27 was the number I could cut off clean so 27 is the house number.
There is metal standing edge roof material provided in the kit more then enough for the whole building, I used it for the main roof but decided on tarpaper for the porch and kitchen roof.
I then placed rafter ends , parts about 2 x 3 mm provided in the kit , it's these details that make a kit like this stand out.
Chimney and stove pipe in place , walls done with A&I, and pigeons on the roof, yes pigeons also provided in the kit.
Some more photo's of the finished house ( well almost , I always see little things that still need to be done in these macro photo's )
This was a fun build , the kit was so much better then the Babe's Diner kit, If I were RLW I wouldn't sell the Babe's Diner until I got the mistakes right , It's not doing their name any good , and people might avoid buying other kits from them , which would be sad , because they are great.