Hinkle Mill
AMB's Hinkle Milling CoThe contents of the package , a heavy amount of wood for an N-scale kit, laser cut, peel 'n stick windows door and trimming. A few metal chimney castings. Tar paper roofing. Peel and stick brick wall.
All wood stained with A&I
Braced before painting, there's a lot od walls and tabs and slots , so try out where you want to place your bracing.
Close up of the first 2 walls done, colors I used are Pollyscale SP Lettering Grey for the walls and GN Empire Green for the doors , windows and trimming.
All the doors and windows placed, peel n stick brick wall applied , the brick wall will be colored with powders , it says to absolutely not use any solvent ( including water ) paints to color this.
The walls of the office , you have the choice of doing the office as a separate building or flush against the main building, I'm doing it flush , this gives the whole building even more different roof heights and lines.
Assembling the main building.
My steel cubes and different types of clamps come in handy now.
The main building from another angle, this will be the most visible angle when it is on the layout.
Porch assembled , you can also see part of the brick wall that I have toned down considerably using weathering powders and a very light spray of dullcoat.
Main walls with the rafters for the porch roofs.
Brick wall , it wasn't easy to get this to look a bit weathered and faded.
One of the dock doors will be open so I started on some details for inside. Spray painted with primer black, this gives more shadows.
First layer of CSX Tan on the bags and pallets.
Weighting down the roof sections while the glue cures.
Lots of variety in roof heights.
A large cupola.
The roofs ready for roofing, there's enough tarpaper roofing to do the whole building but I think I will do the cupola with corrugated sheets.
View from a different angle at all the nooks and corners.
Didnīt have much time this week to do modeling.But I did manage to make this my first building with lighting inside.
This is the part of the building that will be facing the aisle, and where I can imagine someone still working after dark. Sealing off all the places where light comes through where it shouldnīt is the hardest part of lighting a structure.
Some pictures of the structure with the trims done and smokestacks placed.
The macro photos really show you what still needs to be done besides weathering and detailing.
Some pictures of my progress. Including weathering of the roofs with 3 different colors of powders fixed with hair spray. A A base coat of tan paint on the ground , covered with sand while the paint was still wet, after it dryed I shook off the loose sand. Then mounted the structure. Then to cover up where the structure meets the ground I placed some plaster powder tainted with pigments at the edges and colored the ground in spots with this same mixture. Then with a pipet dropped water on it , because of the plaster it was fixed after it dryed.
Started placing some green here and there.
Added some little people from Woodland Scenis and Noch, and a truck with trailer from Chucktheprinter on Ebay.
The rest of the scenery , like fences and more green will have to be done when the scene is placed on the layout.