In 2005 I thought about picking up my schoolboy hobby of model railroading again. When I was 14, 15 years old I had a Marklin H0 layout ( if you can call an oval with 2 passing sides a layout ) in the spare bedroom of our house. But at that time I lacked time and money, playing Icehockey was very time consuming then.
So here I am more then 30 years later picking up or starting brandnew whatever you will call it. This time in N-scale and with enough time and money to build my dream layout. I also have enough space as I bought a 4 bedroom house of wich the 2 largest I will have for my layout, thus having about 35 square meters to build a piece of Kansas in the 50's.
It will be a freelance layout with gusts of prototypical winds blowing threw. I want to build the Newton Kansas depot and surroundings as prototypical as I can, but at the same time there will be scenes from Kansas on my layout that are in actual life far from Newton. I will also give myself the freedom to use structures from kits where I find it isnt that important to be exact prototypical. I also won't be keeping an exact time frame, the reasons: first I love 57-59 corvettes ( I collect models of these ) so that would put me in 1959, but I also want to model Newton with the roundhouse and the last steam engines of the ATSF and this would put me before 1955, so on my layout its 1955 and 1959 at the same time.
This site will follow the progress of my layout as I build it, I wonder if and when the layout and the website will be finished.